
A complete summer care

VasanthaVamana, According to the Hindu calendar we are right into the ‘VasantaRitu’ now. It covers the Chaitra (March – April) and Vaishaka masa’s (April – May months). Since Vasantha comes in the middle of Aadaana Kala or Uttaraayana, when the Sun travels northwards, the climate is naturally hot and dry. The sun is located in Meena and MeshaRashi. The season is Aagneya (Fiery), since it is ruled by the Sun. Obviously, the strength of the Moon and its impact on the earth and life will be less. In this season the Rookshata (dryness) will be moderate. Vamana or the therapeutic emesis is one of the main treatments for KaphaDosha. VasanthaRitu is the Prakopa Kala of the KaphaDosha. Vamanacan be performed in healthy individuals during VasanthaRitu to cure and prevent Kapha predominant diseases.

The combination of Vayu and Sun will squeeze away the wetness and watery contents of the world. Thus we feel depleted and dehydrated. The strength of Katu (Pungent), Tikta (Bitter) and Kashaya (Astringent) Rasa’s will increase in AadaanaKaalae, especially that of Kashaya rasa in VasantaRitu. We become comparably weak due to depletion of Bala (strength energy and immunity) in moderation.

Management of Health issues in VasanthaRitu:

Since it is the Kapha and the Kapha related diseases which bother an individual in this season the Panchakarma measures (cleansing, purification and detoxification methods explained in Ayurveda) can be adapted with special emphasis to Vamana (therapeutic vomiting) and Virechana (therapeutic purgation), which are purification treatments of choice when kapha is involved. Since, even a perfectly healthy person can get kapha related problems, Vamana and Virechanacan be taken prophylactically (as a preventive measure.) These measures will not only detoxify your mind, they will also build up immunity and keep you healthy.

The treatment provided in our hospital is detoxification therapy and useful in ailments like Allergy, asthma, skin diseases, hyperacidity, indigestion, vitiligo, joint disorders and more.