Swarna Prashana Campaign March 2020

ಸ್ವರ್ಣ ಪ್ರಾಶನ ಅಭಿಯಾನ March 07, 2020 | Saturday | 8.00 am to 5.00 pm Swarna Prashana is a unique and proven therapy of Ayurveda for the children for their overall development. Contains immune building properties and disease preventing values. It is necessary for the age group from 0-16 years. Administered on the day of Pushya [...]

By |March 5th, 2020|Camp Events|0 Comments

Garbha Sanskara

A step towards awareness to empower pregnancy care through Ayurveda. Feb 24 to 28, 2020 Call 9164455019 / 9686677218

By |February 14th, 2020|Camp Events|0 Comments

Swarna Prashana Campaign February 2020

ಸ್ವರ್ಣ ಪ್ರಾಶನ ಅಭಿಯಾನ February 08, 2020 | Saturday | 8.00 am to 5.00 pm Swarna Prashana is a unique and proven therapy of Ayurveda for the children for their overall development. Contains immune building properties and disease preventing values. It is necessary for the age group from 0-16 years. Administered on the day of Pushya [...]

By |February 5th, 2020|Camp Events|0 Comments


Arogyayushya - Detox (Body Purification) & Immune Booster Therapy Camp We are living in a completely polluted world. Increased number of vehicles, deforestation, attack on environment and other factors have polluted the food we eat, the air we breathe and the water we drink. The toxins that deposits inside us targets different parts of the [...]

By |January 18th, 2020|Camp Events|0 Comments

Swarna Prashana Campaign

ಸ್ವರ್ಣ ಪ್ರಾಶನ ಅಭಿಯಾನ December 15, 2019 | Sunday | 8.00 am to 5.00 pm Swarna Prashana is a unique and proven therapy of Ayurveda for the children for their overall development. Contains immune building properties and disease preventing values. It is necessary for the age group from 0-16 years. Administered on the day of Pushya [...]

By |December 11th, 2019|Camp Events|0 Comments

Manasoukhya – A natural approach for stress free life

Date: One month camp from 02.12.2019 All of us face stress in our lives. But finding the correct way to beat stress is important. The JSS Ayurveda Hospital has organised a stress-relief camp. Who should take part ? Person with symptoms of stress such as low energy, headache, stomach upset, sleeplessness, chest pain, rapid heartbeat, [...]

By |November 29th, 2019|Camp Events|0 Comments

Swarna Prashana Campaign

Swarna Prashana Campaign ಸ್ವರ್ಣ ಪ್ರಾಶನ ಅಭಿಯಾನ November 18, 2019 | Monday | 8.00 am to 5.00 pm Swarna Prashana is a unique and proven therapy of Ayurveda for the children for their overall development. Contains immune building properties and disease preventing values. It is necessary for the age group from 0-16 years. Administered on the [...]

By |November 15th, 2019|Camp Events|0 Comments


Detox (Body Purification) & Immune Booster Therapy Camp We are living in a completely polluted world. Increased number of vehicles, deforestation, attack on environment and other factors have polluted the food we eat, the air we breathe and the water we drink. The toxins that deposits inside us targets different parts of the body and [...]

By |October 31st, 2019|Camp Events|0 Comments

Swarna Prashana Campaign

Swarna Prashana Campaign ಸ್ವರ್ಣ ಪ್ರಾಶನ ಅಭಿಯಾನ October 22, 2019 | Tuesday | 8.00 am to 5.00 pm Swarna Prashana is a unique and proven therapy of Ayurveda for the children for their overall development. Contains immune building properties and disease preventing values. It is necessary for the age group from 0-16 years. Administered on the [...]

By |October 21st, 2019|Camp Events|0 Comments

Swastha Jeevanopaya Shibira

SWASTHA JEEVANOPAYA SHIBIRA Prevention is Better than Cure!!! 7 Days Health Management - October 01 to 07, 2019 @JSS Ayurveda Hospital, Mysuru Camp Benefits Health maintenance Prevention of arthritis (knee pain/ joints pain) Avoiding diabetes / high blood pressure complications Relief from stress, anxiety & depression Solutions for sexual disorders/ menstrual disorders Camp Features Yoga-dhyana-pranayama-prayers Ayurveda [...]

By |September 26th, 2019|Camp Events|0 Comments