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Swarna Prashana Campaign
July 1, 2022 | Friday | 8.00 am to 5.00 pm

Swarna Prashana is a unique and proven therapy of Ayurveda for the children for their overall development. Contains immune building properties and disease preventing values. It is necessary for the age group from 0-16 years. Administered on the day of Pushya Nakshatra. **Home delivery service is available.** JSS Ayurveda Hospital, Mysuru. Ph.: 0821 – 2548231, [...]

By |June 27th, 2022|Camp Events|0 Comments

Vaidya Rajesh Kotecha, Secretary, Ministry of AYUSH, New Delhi visited hospital on 20.06.2022. His visit was in prelude to the International Yoga Day at Mysuru Palace.

Vaidya Rajesh Kotecha, was welcomed by Dr. Sarbeswar Kar, Principal & Medical Superintendent , JSS Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital along with Dr. Rajesh Udapudi, Dean of College and other faculty members. Principal welcomed Vaidya Rajesh Kotecha, and briefed the achievements and the work accomplished by the distinguished guest to the Teaching staff, Hospital and [...]

By |June 25th, 2022|News & Events|0 Comments

“PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT OF ARTHRITIS” from 20-06-2022 to 30-06-2022

“Take Care of Your Joints and Stay Young” Who can avail camp? Aged – above 25yrs. People suffering from knee pain, back pain, sprain, joints pain etc., Females who are near to menopause. Who are taking medicines for long duration. Specialists are available for consultation. For Further Information & Enrolment Contact : Dr Beena M [...]

By |June 17th, 2022|Camp Events|0 Comments

FREE BONE MINERAL DENSITY (BMD) CAMP Organized by the Department of PG studies in Kayachikithsa

Are you suffering from Neck Pain, Back Pain & Arthritic Pain, Then your bones may have lack of Calcium. DON’T NEGLECT! Date : 11.06.2022 (Saturady) Time : 09.30am to 1.00pm For Registration Contact : Dr Beena M D : 9538367282 Dr Rajesh A Udapudi : 9844136277 Dr Deepa C Patil : 9886485005 Get your Bone [...]

By |June 10th, 2022|Camp Events|0 Comments

Weekend – Relax & Rejuvenate

Prolonged digital media usage, sitting on a couch or unsupported chair, a busy schedule, consuming an unhealthy diet with less nutritional value, lack of proper exercise, sleep, etc., leads to various health issues. Improving our overall health by boosting immunity, energy levels, and metabolism will rejuvenate our bodies and act as a preventive health care [...]

By |May 12th, 2022|Camp Events|0 Comments

“Stress Management Camp” from 11-05-2022 to 21-05-2022

Stress has become a global issue and is affecting people’s life significantly. Stress not only leads to mental disorders, it also can lead to various physical disorders too. Over thinking, Negative thinking, Lack of concentration, Sleep disturbances, Increased heart beat, Headache, Stomach upset and Reduction in your overall performance are the common symptoms of Stress. [...]

By |May 10th, 2022|Camp Events|0 Comments

Kriyakalpa cures Stye (ಕಣ್ಣು ಕುಟರೆ)

The JSS Ayurveda Hospital, Mysuru, has helped a 23-year-old girl to get rid of Stye (Painful red lump below the eyelid). When the girl visited our hospital she had a painful red lump, with inflammation and puss collection, below her left lower eyelid. Diagnosis showed that she was suffering from Internal Hordeolum / Stye (ಕಣ್ಣು [...]

By |April 20th, 2022|Camp Events|0 Comments

Special Summer Day Care Health Camps – Organised by Department of Kaumarabhritya – from 25.04.2022 to 21.05.2022

Child healthcare is a specialized branch of Ayurveda, where management of childhood illness, along with the measures to prevent them is done in a classical Ayurveda way. Department of Pediatrics (Balaroga) is organizing 4-weeks duration Special Summer Day Care Health Camps to address major health issues among children. Each week a specialist doctor will be [...]

By |April 19th, 2022|Camp Events|0 Comments

Spinal Disorders Camp from 19.04.2022 to 30.04.2022

Change in lifestyle and bad posture leading to Vata Prakopa causes many spinal disorders like Backache, Neckpain, Sciatica, Stiffness of neck, Numbness in hands and legs, Cervical and lumbar radiculopathy, Lumbar spondylosis, Lumbar spondylitis, Osteoporosis of spine, Arthritis of spine, Disc herniation, Disk protrusion/prolapse, Ankylosing spondylitis, Bracheal neuritis, Degenerative disc diseases and other spinal disorders. [...]

By |April 19th, 2022|Camp Events|0 Comments

Swarna Prashana Campaign

Swarna Prashana Campaign April 11, 2022 | Monday | 8.00 am to 5.00 pm Swarna Prashana is a unique and proven therapy of Ayurveda for the children for their overall development. Contains immune building properties and disease preventing values. It is necessary for the age group from 0-16 years. Administered on the day of Pushya [...]

By |April 6th, 2022|Camp Events|0 Comments